5 Steps Toward Getting Rid of Your Spider Infestation For Good

spider infestation

They’re creepy, crawly, and coming to your home. They’re crawling across your ceiling as you sleep at night, biding their time, waiting to scare you…

No, we’re not talking about the latest horror hit. We’re talking about something much more real, and, at least for some people, more frightening: spiders.

Arachnids are some of the most common pests found in Florida, and the average room in your home contains dozens upon dozens of eight-legged creatures.

But that doesn’t mean you have to let these pests live in your home rent-free. Here are 5 steps to help you get rid of a spider infestation once and for all.

1. Look For Common Signs of a Spider Infestation

First, it’s important to understand what qualifies as a spider infestation. One spider is one too many for most people, but that doesn’t mean you have a problem on your hands.

An infestation occurs when you have numerous spiders in your household, often clustered into one area.

Infestations tend to occur during the fall months as the weather gets cooler. During autumn, look for an increase in spider webs or eggs laying around your home.

You’ll most likely find your culprits in your basement or bathroom. That’s because spiders prefer cool, dark, damp areas.

If you see multiple sacs of eggs, take care of them immediately. There may be up to 200 tiny pests gestating within those eggs.

2. Create Your Own Spider Repellant

So, let’s say you notice a large concentration of spiders in your home. What now?

No, you don’t have to move immediately. Instead, you can create your own concoction to deter their presence.

Take five to 10 drops of peppermint or citrus oil and mix it with a cup of water. Place the solution in a spray bottle and spray over any affected areas.

3. Keep An Eye Out For Cracks in Walls or Windows

Most of the time, spiders enter our homes through tiny cracks that we don’t even see. As the weather begins to cool down, head outside and perform a close examination of your home.

Look for any cracks in your windows, foundation, or walls. A lot of these cracks occur naturally and are remedied with a bit of caulk from your local hardware store.

Again, pay close attention to your basement, especially if it’s below ground or partially underground.

4. Keep Your Outdoor Lights Off as Much as Possible

Cooler evenings mean more nights on the porch with those you love. Unfortunately, those beautiful porch lights you’re using attract more than friends and neighbors.

Most winged insects are naturally attracted to light. Moths, flies, and mosquitoes all migrate toward warm sources of light.

While flying insects are annoying enough in and of themselves, that’s not all you’ll need to worry about. Your porch lights are like a buffet for spiders since insects migrate near lights.

You don’t need to keep your exterior lights off entirely, but do be aware that they’ll attract some unwanted attention.

5. Clean Your House Regularly

Last but not least, keep a tidy house so spiders don’t have any hiding spots.

Seal up any food that could attract insects – and spiders as a result – and break out the vacuum. Should you run across any webs or nests, simply vacuum them up and toss the debris outside.

Get Rid of Your Spider Infestation With These Tips

For most of us, a spider infestation is an absolute nightmare. Use these tips to launch an all-out arachnid-assault and keep your home spider-free.

Of course, if you’d rather get some assistance from the pros, we’d be happy to help!

Get in touch for a free 57-point inspection to keep your home pest free.