5 Things to Remember About Pest Control

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Keeping your property free of any pests is not always as easy as it sounds. Sometimes, no matter your best efforts, these stubborn pests find a way to sneak past your defenses and get into your home – in between your walls, in dark spots and corners, or underneath the floorboards. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you suspect you have pests in your property:

Know the signs

It is often easier to tell if there are certain pests more than others that live and thrive in your home. Roaches often leave behind eggs. Plus, they are not the shyest type so they typically come out of the shadows at night. Fleas, bugs or termites however are not as easy to spot. If you think you have a pest problem-ants swarming your table 5 minutes after you leave behind donut crumbs, cobwebs everywhere, or bad smells-it is time to call in for the pros.

Hire a professional

Hiring an emergency pest control expert helps you identify possible sites of pest infestation in your home. By doing so, you can easily determine what kind of pests you are up against and you will be in a better position to know what steps or solutions you can use to eliminate the problem.

Know the cause

Professionals will also take a look around to find out the root cause of the infestation. For instance, termites are attracted to dead wood. If you have a lot of wood debris, dead tree trunks or stumps in your backyard or garden, an emergency pest control expert will suggest you clear all that from your garden and give other preventive measures to keep future pests out.

Pack the right tools

Do not try to take on pest problems by yourself, no matter how easy a Youtube tutorial makes it seem to be. Professionals have the proper tools to efficiently and effectively eliminate your pest problems. Do not waste your time, money and energy on DIY solutions. Hire an expert to take care of your pest problems for you.

Finding Help

Pests can lead to health problems, structural damage and much more. It is important to hire an expert pest control professional to stop pests from thriving in your home. Contact us at Chet’s Termite & Pest Management for a quote. With over 30 years of field experience, a proven system, and a dedicated team, we will make sure your home is going to be pest-free in no time.