5 Tips for Choosing Commercial Pest Control Services

commercial pest control services

Tampa is one of the top five cities in the country that is most impacted by outdoor pests. This may be one of the more dubious awards that Tampa has won; however, it means so much more for local homeowners. 

Hiring the best commercial pest control service is a must to ensure pests don’t become a serious problem. These five tips will help you find the best service for your needs. 

1. Services Offered 

The pest control company you hire should provide the services you need. This could be everything from routine pest control to tenting for fumigation. Here in Florida, termites are a common concern

A company with termite treatment experience can help you prevent an infestation. If you already have a termite problem, they can help you address it. 

Another common pest Florida homeowners contend with is mosquitos. If you live near a body of water, you’ll want a pest control company that can help you reduce the mosquito population around your home. 

2. Experience

The longer a pest control company has been in business, the more experience it has. In addition, they probably provide quality customer and pest control services. After all, a company that does not do these things loses customers and isn’t in business long. 

In addition to looking at the company as a whole, consider the experience and training of the employees. Companies that invest in their team are able to provide better quality services. 

3. Reputation 

Ask your friends, family, and neighbors about what local pest control services they use. By doing so, you can gain real-world insight from a trusted source. 

An alternative is to look online at reviews from current and past customers. However, consider them with a grain of salt.

People are more likely to leave a negative review than a positive one. In addition, some less honest companies will pay for five-star reviews. If you see hundreds of perfect reviews and nothing else, this is a sign of review manipulation. 

4. License and Insurance 

Ask a potential pest control company if they are licensed. This will tell you if they are a legitimate business. Hiring a licensed company ensures you have legal recourse to hold the pest control company accountable if anything were to happen. 

Insurance is a must because it protects both the pest control company and the customer. Without it, your homeowners’ insurance could be liable for injuries or damages that occur while the company is on your property. 

5. Pricing 

Do not base your choice solely on price. Look for a service that is the best quality for the amount, not just the cheapest.

It is worth paying more for additional services, quality customer service, and years of experience than settling for a company with subpar experience and resources. Spending more on quality service now can save you a lot more money in the long run by preventing infestations by treating your home properly. 

Choose Commercial Pest Control Services

Hiring commercial pest control services can help Tampa homeowners enjoy a bug-free house. However, not all pest control services are the same. Consider these five factors when choosing a pet control service for your property and home. 

At Chet’s Termite & Pest Management, we offer free inspections to establish a comprehensive treatment plan. Our experienced and knowledgeable team provides personalized services. 

Schedule your free 57-point inspection today.